Spring Fever…

Spring Fever is hitting me hard at the moment. Just spent two weeks of back-to-back travel in warmer locations (San Fran and New Orleans) where I could walk around without a coat and go



I'm not going to drop a giant post on this as there are a ton of other blogs out there that have gone into great detail on the awesomeness that is Evernote.  I've had


Deviled Crab

Easy Deviled Crab - I really like crab and I remember my mother making this in large clam shells particularly after a trip to the shore.  We usually did some crabbing when we went


Pickled Mushrooms

I don't understand people that don't like mushrooms.  I mean, what the hell?  They're awesome!  If you have an allergy, then OK, it sucks for you, but otherwise, get with the program...  This is


First Family Recipe Post

Having grown up just North of Philadelphia (and having a strong Pennsylvania Dutch component to the family), food is an important part of my family history.  This might explain why I've often struggled with
